recent lessons learned in the complete obvious

Mar 17, 2007 14:07


Please take the following bits of wisdom and file them away for future reference. I know that they were slow in coming, but it would mean a lot to me if you would let them, y'know, sink in.

1. Everyone else is flawed people too, just like you. If someone forgets to call you? Chances are they may have forgotten, even if it's important for both of you. Think about it, forgive, and move on.

2. It's okay to fail once in a while, especially if it's not a big deal. If you suck at, say, a game? The world keeps turning, and as long as you handle failure with grace, there's no negative judgment on you as a person... except from asshats who don't matter. Enjoy what you do, do your best, and if you do that then there's nothing you have to worry about.

3. Disagreeing with friends during a round of "what boy is cute?" does not make you a lesbian. Seriously, Alli, most people have learned this one ten years ago. No pressure, but you may want to consider catching up to teenagers. At some point that you've probably passed already, you're not going to be able to use 'trans' as an excuse for this one. If you really, really need a reminder of your sexual orientation, just think of Jordana Brewster and Johnny Rzeznik. All this agonizing over your identity is really starting to annoy even me, and I am you.

4. It's okay to change your mind. All this agonizing over what to do with "the rest of my life" that you've been doing? Make a damn decision and stick with it for a little while. If you don't like it, change. It's not like you haven't changed a lot in your life already, from transition to philosophy to direction, you aren't afraid to admit when something else works better.

5. You are loved. At the end of the day, you can go to sleep knowing that you're a good person who has earned the love and respect of her friends. Being alone at any given moment doesn't change that simple fact. It's okay to spend time by yourself without stressing.

6. You are allowed to cut yourself some slack from time to time; when things get out of hand they're not always your fault. See #1: sometimes other people's flaws make your life harder, and sometimes your own flaws hurt you too. Stressing about it doesn't make your life easier. Grace, Allison. Comport yourself with grace, and you'll be better for it.

If you have any questions, feel free to talk to yourself to clarify matters. Schizoid or not, you're a better teacher than you are a listener a lot of the time, so turn those pep talks inwards. They're worth listening to.

-Allison listens to herself... sometimes.
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