Jan 04, 2008 00:36
Until we have an actual President-elect. Until that time, we have to make do with the Iowa caucus, and the beginning of primary season.
First, the bad news. Mike Huckabee.
Now, the good news. Finally, we're starting to make a little bit of room on the debate stages, with Biden and Dodd walking, and Richardson only committing through New Hampshire. It looks like Hillary's weaker than expected, too. This also pleases me, since I don't trust that she can beat Huckabee in the general. With luck, it'll shape up as Obama vs. McCain, rather than the Huckster.
(Just saw my TV. I hate Terrell Owens. Moving right along.)
And two one liners. MSNBC was airing the concession/victory speeches, and they got to Mike Huckabee, standing there with Chuck Norris's head in the frame over his left shoulder. Huck was talking about his children's sacrifices for the campaign: "my son, John Whatever, and my other son Whosamaswatch, who did this, and my daughter Whatsit, who I thought was going to have to get an Iowa driver's license..." and I seriously thought I was going to hear him go right into "and my other son, Chuck Norris..."
Also, Mitt Romney, the Hair That Doesn't End, was offering his congratulations to his staff for a tremendous failure, and said "This thousand plus group of people here, and my family..." I swear, at first I didn't hear the word "and."
Now we're on to New Hampshire. I just hope Fred stays awake long enough to make it there. Wouldn't do to have him power-nap through what may be his last chance to be relevant.