(no subject)

Oct 12, 2011 13:53

I am still alive.

There hasn't really been much going on with me, stickin' to the daily grind of business college and working at the tall girl shop downtown. It gets exhausting, I feel like there is never going to be a moment in my life when I am actually caught up on my sleep. Sleep when you're dead?

In the last little while: My best friend came home from England baring gifts of Lucky Strikes and Banksy calendars, I have drank a lot of long island iced teas, spent a lot of time alone, bought my first pair of khaki colored pants, went for lunch with somebody that I literally only knew from twitter (and had fun!), threatened to fight somebody at a party...for the first time in my life, cried on the bathroom floor, heard the words "Savannah, I don't want to date you." (which seemed SO DUMB! because I didn't want to date him either? my emotions just got the best of me) drank $6 doubles at Scratch and blacked out completely but danced the whole night away and somehow made it "home" to cry in a friend's bed, spitting out the words, "I don't want to do this anymore", cried during 50/50 in the theater with a sweaty palm in mine, shook my head at how bad straw dogs was, laughed at Our Idiot Brother, spent two entire Sundays in bed, spent three Saturdays in a row at COUNTRY BARS, watched so many episodes of Vampire Diaries that I am embarassed to admit it, survived a big fight that I had with my best girl, met a boy that wants to spend time with me and hold my hand and kiss my neck and get drunk and talk and watch tv and eat candy corn in bed and cuddle me while i fall asleep, and my mom calls him a "keeper", starved myself to eat TWO seperate turkey dinners, got a 96 percent on my Simply Accounting final, just barely passed my Records Management final, built spaghetti and marshmellow towers with my co-workers at the worst staff meeting I ever had to attend, got a 50 cent raise!, moved my TV into my bedroom, got a UTI, made out on my mom's couch, hiked up and down the hills and through the trees of "Mexico", put so many kilometers on my car, mailed out mix cds, cleaned my closet, i have kept an ACTUAL diary for 3 months straight (writing every single day.) and I don't know how to fill in the blanks for the internet.

just know that i am happy, ok?
for now at least
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