Jul 08, 2010 11:36
All right, where to begin?
Kinda had fun at War, but not as much fun as I would've liked.
Had a good time in Arizona, but felt overwhelmed by meeting 459679 family members. XD We spent a few days in the mountains.... that was nice. We went to bed early like, every night.
Lapis' tooth count is now up to four, with a couple on the way, I think. She gets her feelings hurt when I tell her 'no', but it doesn't last long. She can now crawl, but when she has long distances to go, she does her bellyflop. She's pulling herself up on EVERYTHING, launching herself. She'll be walking soon!
Uh, what else. Life is life flavored, though I'm pretty depressed right now. Might be P.M.S. Might be other things. Missing some things, right now.
I guess that's it. Got summmertime work in a few weeks, I can totally look forward to it. Cough.
I guess that's it. Ta.