havnt updated due to technology hates me.

Jan 30, 2010 18:45

ok im going to be breif because im using outher peoples computers right now mine is broken and i feel bad using others for long periods of time

so today we went to publix and within a 1 foot radious of each other i found sierras favorite snack and a candy kacy likes
i miss you guys

here is also some artworks

we will start with figure sketches and in class poses

now color
im epically fail painter so these fail its some cloth and an apple oh and a color wheel

in 3d we are working on a sculptural relief of an even in our lives
i just started so no real progress but im doing me throwing up into the grand canyon

thats me!

and finally into to ill
i have my first project THE EYE
also my memory/reference seahorse
and my current project of composing a composition of shapes and then looking at it and come up with a image to fit it

here we go

image would be better but its pencil drawing photographed with photobooth on mac. yeah
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