Hey Peeps!
This is Lexa’s personalised love letter just for you all!
Even though everyone is busy tonight, I still made time for you guys, and how better spend that time than telling you how much you win at life! Or I could watch Funniest Home Videos ... nah, I can do two things at once, its ok.
In some ways, you make my life a little like Funniest Home Videos:- Our get togethers frequently feature slapstick and lowbrow humour such as people tripping over or animals behaving in amusing ways, and it usually all begins at 6.30 Saturday night. The only differences are that our nights don’t feature Shelley Craft (but i’m sure we could organise something) and after 5 minutes i’m not wishing I had something better to do.
Now can we do something soon? Maybe next Friday or Saturday? I need a sausage/bread/potato/penis fix.
Love Lexa
Oooh Ellie and Brenton are coming over now! horrah!