Australia making slow progress on gay rights: survey

Nov 07, 2007 10:42

There's an article about government policies involving GBLT rights etc and the comments are hilarious. Most of the GBLT people sound way more articulate than the hicks saying 'I don't need no govrnment to tell me how to live my life!!! So why should teh gays have more rights than me1!' I think it just proves that if you're against 'teh gays' enough to shout about it ... you're probably lacking half a brain.

As a lesbian wanting more rights, according to 'Martin', I think I should have my own personal law against the garbage truck on my block. At 5.30 in morning it woke me up ... and then again ... and then again. It just has to keep coming up and down my street. Damn living on a corner.

The last exam for the HSC is really hard. It's not the actual exam, but that it is the last exam. I'm so full of excitement and nervous energy, I'm finding it hard to settle and especially at night. I just have so much to do! I'm looking forward to a drink at the pub across from my school at 3 in the afternoon after my drama exam, and with my drama peeps (including my awesome teacher). I also have to cut my art essay down, it's 5 pages long (typed and 1.5 line spacing) and I have to write it in 45 minutes, well probably 50 or so.

Oh the stress, if only I could get out of the exams ... i'm gonna go swollow some Bindeez

gblt, bindeez, hsc, garbage truck

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