Feb 24, 2006 17:14
So yeah, guys. I've been really really lax the past monthish on this journal. Life has been insanely busy. I don't know if I'm going to bother to keep this up to date or not. Does anyone actually read this thing?
So family: things are going well, I suppose. Lauren and I will have been dating for three months in a week. Seems like so much less time. Things are going very well. School: classes are boring. I'm sick of SR. It will be done next week though. Econ is boring but easy. Chinese is fun and easy. Math meth isn't bad either. I enjoy that as well, much more so than phys anal. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I do. Colloquium is uninteresting. My grad class is good. My independent study is awesome. I may have actually discovered something which could prove to pay off very much so in the long run in the physics/math community. Friends are good, as always. We got a house for next year which is insanely cheap, insanely close to campus, and insanely awesome. We got so incredibly lucky with it all.
I've really just been working a lot. Playing some O2 on the side, but not much else. Just workworkwork. And eating, too. I enjoy eating. I'm almost done with classes for the day, then it's off to geagle then a relaxing evening. More work tomorrow morning in the form of chores, then homework on Sunday. All in all, really not bad. :)