Oct 24, 2006 22:42
"Oh baby Oh, still a long way to go, just hold on, if you're losin your way..."
"You were there for me, when I needed you, when my back was to the wall//
And it's good to know that you're still the one, to catch me when I fall//
We've been crazy tight and I realize, when all is said and done//
Through the best of times, through the worst of times//
Baby you're the one, baby you're the one!"
Wow, almost summer...the connotations of that word...everytime I smile...coz summer is when you feel so much love...so much fun, the sun and the sand and the ocean breeze, partying all night coz you can...sweat all over our bodies...the nights spent indoors just everybody hanging out and drinking...summer's truly freedom... all I want is just to spend it with you...make a home with you and just be by your side always...I'm damn crazy I know, and I'm hurting, I know...but I will NEVER fucking love anyone the way I love you...I would never change for anyone the way I changed for you...and all I know is...if you really DO take me away this summer...you will never EVER get rid of me...
Sometimes, I envy what liem n cheng have, I envy what mt and mario have...coz I don't have it...and I hate it the most, because I've felt it, touched it in my grasp...and its gone now...ignorance is bliss, they say.
A depressing entry, ne? Well...a lot of people think I'm heartless, this cold user bitch...and they're completely right, I am...but...in this way of life...when we do love, we love the most... so, I love you, don't ever fuckin question that...and until the end of time...
fuck i feel so emo right now i want to die hahahaha...just...so many song lyrics rushing through my mind that I'm really feeling in my soul...so many rythyms and beats and melodies...and hopes and dreams and wishes...I'm a supernova, ready to explode into flame...just from this fukn passion for life...
2o06- Time to make changes...it's almost over...so LIVE IT.
Erm...about the title...it's a good movie. See it. Nicholas Tse is a fucking root. Goddamit. I cried hahahahaah what a wuss I am.
Steph, my msn isn't working okay?? Sorry hun, talk 2 u soon.
Man my english gets FOBbier by the day..realised I'm leaving words out all the time when I type now... =(