Realized have not posted in a few weeks ( at least)

Jul 11, 2004 16:43

Okay, lots of not very interesting things to post about, although exciting to me.

The make-up pilates teacher training course material is completed and have supervised teaching sessions scheulded (for the most part) and am more motivated again to complete assistant teaching.

2 weeks ago able to return to Krav Maga training - though am being careful and not rushing back to training as often as before.

Starting 1 day week of Chiro / PT for neck and able to do mor eof regular exercises without so much pain / discomfort . Sibnce it was 3 days, then 2, very glad for this change to schedule . Also , a bit less acupuncture except still really like itand findit helpful.

Starting to substitute teach a pilates mat class which is great opportunity. However, hope people show up as no one has been there yet - so drive to dance studio, see if anyone comes, and then lock studio and drive home, but have a routine organized for when someone is there - hope regularstudents show up as have some freinds who want to take class but would be strange if only friends show up to take class - though at least people are interested.

Saw dolphins at beach a few weeks ago around sunset - which was pretty - and overall glad social services / psychology jobs at more then same paces always hiring that have high turnaround - so job market possibly improving - then again also around one of the grant times of year - so usually an increase.

Also, decluttering is going well !!!! Have decided this is an ongoing process and ebay is helpful to work on this .

Thinking about seeing farhnheit 9/11 and wondering if anyone has se it yet and opinions - besides movie reviewers - spoof of them on mtv awards makes me uncertain about how things are reviewed.
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