Oct 16, 2005 13:07
i had a good weekend :] Friday's test was canceled so that was a great start. At night, me and carlos went to a realllllly good haunted house in SA. It was so freaking scary. i loved it;]. The festival going on was fun too - live music, people eating fire, or something, and a bunch of zombies walking around. i swear, Halloween is my favorite.
I blew off the UT/Colorado game on Saturday and attempted some studying, but yeah you know how that goes. Me, Tam, & Val went to Gatti's and right when we were about to leave some old man came up to us talking about cocaine and heroine or sommeething. I think the point he was trying to make was that Gattis food is addicting like that? i dont know. it was weird. Then we headed to Stubbs to see Rufio, Relient K, & MxPx. it had been forrrevvvveerr since we went to a show. The weather was great & so was the music ;] I played Trouble last night, hadnt played that in forreever. remember that game? the little dice in the middle that you have to pop and then you move your little figures or whatever. yeah, that game. Old school, but still fun ;]
& how about them Astros?? They're dong great if you ask me. ok, so they're only ahead by one, but still.
So, the brother was here last weekend and it was funn. Watched Texas, Astros, and Cowboys kickkk asss. wooHoooo. yeah that was fun. Did some shopping, went to Waterloo and got some music, and snacked way too much. And then it was back to school stuff Sunday night. The only thing i like about Sundays is Grey's Anatomy - best show ever.
Lana comes back from London today - what a lucky bitch to spend her fall break with her boyfriend in London. I definitely need to call her up tonight and see how that went. ooookk - i really need to study, or something, before Tam comes in here and convinces me to go Halloween costume shopping with her.
Halloween is my favorite.