
Apr 24, 2015 11:34

credit for this awesome banner goes to: art_of_clarity

because recently my friends being difficult
they've been surfing on my journal without my permission
and reading my post, fandom post
so i decide to make this journal friend locked...
because this is for fandom only and not real life
i'm really really sorry

the things you must know about me:


credit for the banner: saigo_no_koi

< ♥ > Kamenashi Kazuya and Akanishi Jin so much = AKAME LOVE *biassed*
well manner, pretty, sexy, talented, kind hearted Kamenashi Kazuya and hot, sexy, good voice, talented Akanishi Jin is the best pairing ever! They have some kind of chemistry between them.
and they've been together since their junior days till now~~ :DD
< ♥ > Nakamaru Yuichi and Ueda Tatsuya, as well as Tanaka Koki and Taguchi Junnosuke.
Nakamaru being the coward-est from his other band mate, Ueda is pretty and has a good sense, Koki being a joker in the band, and Taguchi is like the mood maker!

This journal contains my fangirlings about KAT-TUN and sometimes about the other band like NEWS and Hey!Say!JUMP.
About my works *rarely* or something related to videos, pictures and news, I'll make it public for max 3 days

If you want to be my friends to share some gossips or fangirlings together then just add me as your friends but please leave a comment here first so i know who you are :DD
don't worry i'll add you back as fast as i can, i love making a new friends and let's spread KAT-TUN love together!!

once again.... this is important:
even with now Akanishi Jin not in KAT-TUN any more I still support KAT-TUN with 5 members and Jin as solo artist! I won't tolerate bad mouthing!!!

announcement, friend locked

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