Jun 21, 2008 07:09
"Regret for wasted time is more wasted time." - Mason Cooley
I really should know better by now, really I should. But I don't.
After ten minutes of struggling to remember my LJ password and failing enough to have it lock me out, I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to poke around and see what some old flames have been up to while waiting for the spirits of the internet to allow me to log in. And I really should know better. Some are married, some are parents, and a select few are both. One is planning to get married, at least once her divorce is settled. One is deliriously happy at divinity school (and with my dog). One is in Germany waiting for her husband to rotate back to the world while toting around a beautiful kid. One has found someone to share her condition and seems to have finally screwed her head on straight. One is still worthless. One I didn't have the cajones to pseudo-stalk, and if all goes well I never will. One I didn't bother looking up, because I talk to her regularly. All in all, it was a pretty demoralizing hour spent waiting for LJ to quit being shittastic and cursing my poor memory. I really need to go see the doctor about this insomnia. Not sleeping inevitably leads to me doing stupid things with my time.