why don't you like me, why don't you like yourself?

Feb 10, 2009 16:18

Happy birthday Siwon ♥~~

Jäin vihdoin kotiin.. oon ollut kohta pari viikkoa kipeenä. Mein luokanvalvoja selitti jotain että, 'pysyppä siellä kotona lepäämässä pari päivää' :'DD Se ei anna mun tulla kouluun.
TT koekkin olis ollut.. No saan aikaa lukea, vaikka en tiedäkkään koealuetta, iihan sama..

Mä en voi sille mitään, mutta Kyuhyun XDD, JOU

Donghae ♥ 8DD

Mä haluun LM.C'hen takas ~~

The final day of our Europe tour was in Helsinki, Finland…

No words to say…it just filled me with emotion☆
The show has become seriously the greatest one with the best supporting member&staff and the fans came to Helsinki!!!

Today, all the members just kept saying "so sad, soooo sad…" since before the show.

You know, you could imagine that's exactly how much this world tour has been fulfilling…

Anyhow, this long trip of ours started in November, and I am just too happy to feel even frightening.

Standing at the stage like this…

Traveling with the best members & staff…
Having lots of our fans all over the world that always give LM.C a warm welcome at every city we go…
Once we start listing up the elements of happiness, the list would go on and on…never ends!
For the god of music, truly, truly, THANK YOU VERY MUCH☆

THANK YOU SO MUCH for not only those of you came to Helsinki today but also those of you could not make it to Helsinki even though you wanted to come!!

kyuhyun, lm.c, donghae, super junior, siwon

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