Happy birthday
fakezhok ♥ !!
and Happy birthday Hangeng ♥ !!
To be honest, I really don't like LM.C. BUT the gig was _amazing! It was so full of energy and the whole audience was with full of energy.
Tomorrow will be in Helsinki, Finland.
It seems like the tickets for the show tomorrow have been sold out only two days after their release.
I have a hunch that it is going to be a BLAST!
Hey, you just wait, all of the fans in Finland!
We'll be there soon!!
That's right 8DD
mh.. The mask guy (I can't remember name >____<) was best 8DD He was soooo hyper all the time.
and the keyboad was beat too.
Maya :'DD
"Minä haluan mennä Muumimaahan! Muumi.. Muumi..."
"Mihin pitää mennä, että näkee revontulet?" "Lappa, lappi, lappi? LAPPI!"
(like 'where I have to go that I can see northen lights?')
and lot more...
Rock the LM.C was amazing too. Everyone in audience shouted 'Rock, rock the LM.C, rock looking at the LM.C!'
The last song get so over for me, 'cause I was _so close to faint >____<
And for the songs, I only noticed two songs.
But it was fun, and I would go again!