Oct 25, 2015 15:41
I've looked around the house (bedroom, around the table in the garage, kitchen, and living room) and there is no sign of the letters that I mailed to Karen this past week.
I'm so confused. It would be completely uncharacteristic Karen to not acknowledge when she has received a love note, or one of my art cards; much less a letter received in the mail. I was so certain that I was doing something special, and romantic.
When we got home from watching the renegade football game, and going to lunch at Hobo's St. Peters with our friends, Karen checked the mailbox. There was at least two day's worth of mail in the box. Most likely Friday and Saturday. None of the letters was in the stack of items stuffed into the mailbox. I figured for sure that the stack would have contained Thursday's letter, "Beautiful & Sexy - Take II." I didn't see Karen tuck anything away before laying the mail on the kitchen counter. As I said, it would not be like Karen to not acknowledge receiving a letter.
I understand that she was really mad at me this past Thursday evening, (she had every right to be. Even though my motive was a genuine one, born out of desperation, it was still a wrong choice. Yet I'd do it again under the same circumstances I have faced. Am still facing.) but even still...
Mad or not, Karen doesn't hide or bottle thoughts and feelings up like I do. The first letter is 100% purely a LOVE letter. All about what I Love about her, and I focused solely on positive attributes. I can't think of a thing in that letter that would have made her upset, or not want to share that she received it.
I don't remember all of what I wrote word for word in letter #2. However, I do remember that it got way off topic several times, and went into lengthy detail about how much I am taken back at the fact that I adore(d) her blonde hair. Something, that after years of asking her to never go blonde floored and shocked me to my core; because it stirred SUPER INTENSE thoughts, feelings, fantasy and desires within me that I've not felt before based merely on the color of a woman's hair (although the L'Oreal Intense Dark Red RR04 did make me really horney, it's no contest to what this NEW blonde, on Karen, did to me.).
Blonde hair on Karen triggered something new and unique. I fell in love with it the moment Kris first fixed the color, and it came out a beautiful light blonde. But when Kris touched up her roots that last time in late August (08/22/2015), and she lightened the overall color another shade closer to a near platinum blonde; well, her hair took on a whole new level of ULTRA SEXINESS. If I could go back in time... I wish I had taken her for another root touch up, and overall lightening of the color, back in September. Maybe she would still be blonde, and we would have been going for another touch up and overall lightening; instead of a color change. :-(
Karen's blonde hair sparked feelings and fantasies within me that have previously ONLY been triggered by super short spiky pixie crops, women's buzz cuts, or women with shaved heads. I honestly can't explain it. After four months since she first bleached her hair, I don't yet understand how HER blonde hair (I don't get the same feeling for other women with blonde hair, just Karen) affects me this way. And now it's gone. Just like that. Poof, destroyed in a matter of minutes by a trip to the salon and a cursed mix of brown hair dye.
So I could understand her not wanting to discuss the second letter; if she had just now received it today. But that letter should have already arrived Thursday or Friday. But the letters from Wednesday and Thursday should already be here.
I'm so confused. And now, I'm worried that the letters were all lost in the mail; or if they are still on their way, how they will be received and perceived by Karen NOW, in light (or should I say, dark) of yesterday's change of hair color at the hair salon. I was commenting on, praising, and admiring a favored trait that was current. But now, everything that I wrote will all be completely irrelevant and read in past tense.
I'm so distraught, confused, and So SAD!
karen's hair,
hair fetish,
blonde hair,