My tweets - I'm Affectionate and Tender

Oct 26, 2014 12:01

I don't know why, but I love taking little quizzes.
the kind where you answer a whole bunch of questions, pick your favorite colors and animals, or a host of other really crazy fun shit, and then it is supposed to tell you something about your personality traits.

I know that a lot of the quizzes that are circulating out and around facebook are complete bull shit.
Those quizzes are actually random generators that will stop on one of a handful of pre-generated results to make someone feel good about an aspect of themselves; whether true or not.

But, I like the real quizzes. Ones that are based upon psychological aspects of a person.
Most of these are created by students who use core concepts form Myers-Briggs, or a Caliper profile trait test. Some even use a modification of DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Comliance) factors to make assumptions about communication style and personality types. No test can be fully accurate, but at least these are based upon well established empirical data.

In two tests I took recently, two key aspects of my personality in terms of how I function within a Male / Female relationship are, Affectionate and Tender. I'd say that is pretty accurate.

relationships, personality, personality tests, love

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