Sun, 12:26: Time to get ready to watch some FOOTBALL! Not ready for the Fall season to be around the corner, but definitely ready for football season.
Sun, 22:25: Just finished watching the London 2012 Olympic closing ceremonies. Until winter 2014, we bid the Olympic rings a fond farewell.
Mon, 07:49: Nothing says Monday like going to work sick, with only 3 hours of sleep, my back aching, and my head, eyes & nose stopped up and irritated.
Mon, 11:07: Im off tomorrow to spend time w/the kids before school starts, but Ive also scheduled WED to have some alone time w/ Karen. :-)
Mon, 11:57: Today has been rough, but its getting better by the hour thinking of being home w/ the family tomorrow, & w/ Karen on Wednesday. 5 hrs to go