Happy Easter & Happy 8th B-Day Jack

Apr 08, 2012 20:36

Eight years old on the Eighth day of April, 2012.

My little Boogie turned 8 years old this morning. Where have all of those years gone? How is it possible that he is half way to driving age already?

At times he can be such a pain in the... a real stinker. But most of the time he is the sweetest, most precious little guy in the whole world. I can not imagine a single day of my life without him being a part of it. I'm so proud of him.

It was eight years ago that we brought him home from St. Joseph's Hospital on Easter Sunday. His mother had been in the hospital since the previous Monday trying to have him, and almost a full week of hospital beds and food had taken their toll on her nerves. Jack was born on that Thursday before Easter, and after three full days we were sure we were ready to get our little baby home and into our own more comfortable environment.

A nurse wheeled Karen and Jack down to the hospital pick up entrance, while I pulled the car around to meet them. The nurse checked to see that we had our baby seat correctly positioned and fastened down in the back seat, and then helped Karen into the back seat to sit next to him for his first car ride and journey home.

He was wrapped up like a little baby burrito in a baby blanket, Fastened into the car seat with the harness fastened snugly, and another blanket pulled up over him with the car seat bonnet hood pulled down low to avoid it being too bright on his little eyes. He barely made a single sound the whole trip home.

It's hard to believe that all of that was 8 years ago already, but it is still just as fresh and vivid in my mind's memory as it was that very day. My boy. My son. My little Jack.

I love you, son. Happy birthday. We had a wonderful day, today.
The kids got to hunt Easter eggs at both Art and Dot's house, as well as at Mama Sarah's house. They have more candy than they could possibly want or eat anytime soon. The weather was warm and perfect... it was more like a day in mid to late May, than it was an April day; but it worked out perfectly.

Trees are already leafing out. Flowers are already in bloom. Except for the fact that i feel we got cheated out of not having any really good snow days, it has been a wonderful early Spring.

birthday, jack

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