Happy 39th B-Day to me (part II)

Feb 17, 2010 23:58

Since I did not end up cutting my hair off, or shaving my head today as I had originally planned when I scheduled the day off (YES! I Chickened out, and didn't even mention it to Karen. I'm such a loser), I figure that I may as well consider something else that I have been thinking about for a while now.

If I haven't caved into pressure, and my head has not been shaved bald sometime between now and then, there is one thing that I would like to add to my party for next year; whenever and whatever that ends up being. I've been thinking about it pretty much ever since my hair actually started getting long at the end of 2008, and I've had over a year to ponder and think about it now.
Of course, when I started thinking about it, I thought that I would reach ponytail length much faster than I actually did, and thought that I would have been wearing a much longer ponytail than where I was able to reach only within the past 4 months or so now. I was barely able to put it into a sprayed and gelled down ponytail this past September for my 20 year HS reunion, and it is just recently going into a ponytail where I don't need some hairspray or something to keep the sides in the ponytail holder.

But, what I think I would really like to do, and have actually thought about doing even way before I started growing my hair back out again in January 2008, is have a romantic head shaving date with Karen for my 40th birthday. A nice hotel room (maybe even out of town), or a Bed and Breakfast for just the two of us.

I want to grow it out as long as I can over the next year, and after my birthday bash, I want to have Karen cut and shave all of my hair off as a sort of mid-life crisis cleansing, and a new starting point, as I enter my 40's. I would let her braid my hair into little one inch sections all over my head.
Hopefully, my hair will be at least 12 to 15 inches long by then, and we could donate them to locks of love. Karen would cut the first braid off right at the front of my head, and then take a seat in the chair on top me where she can cut my hair off while she takes her time and smokes a cigarette.

A fresh start to a new decade in my life.

I've even thought about submitting my name as an entry onto the St. Balrick's website and make my birthday shearing a small fundraiser event as well. I could begin collecting donations in early January, and hopefully raise a thousand dollars for the charity by the time that my birthday rolls around. That way more people than just me can benefit from me shedding myself of all of this long hair that Karen seems to hate so much. At least, I hope it's the hair that she doesn't like... more often than not, it seems like it's actually me she no longer likes; hair or no hair.

So... Karen, if you are reading this, you can take this as written permission to cut ALL of my hair off. As long, or as short, as you choose.
The only concessions that I would request in return are:
  • You must plan the activity and date. To include:
    1. You dressed in fetish fashion.
    2. Your hair and makeup done to the nines, sexy and hot.
    3. You smoke Virginia Slims 120's and Marlboro Light 100's cigarettes the entire time you are cutting my hair. (When I watch the video playback, the only parts I really watch are when you are smoking)
    4. You PLEASE allow me to shave your pussy. (I may ask to go down on you, orally, while you snip off my hair with the scissors)
    5. You only do this to me if you truly, and with full commitment to our relationship, LOVE me with all of your heart. (the most important condition of all)
      If you are not 100% sure that you still love me, then please don't even bother bringing this up until you are. I'd rather not talk of it otherwise, because my primary goal is to show you that I love you, and to share the most intimately erotic act I can share with a woman, in a way that also means something to you.
      If I never hear mention of it, then I'll know that I have to continue working to try to regain your trust and your heart.

      I love you, Karen.

      Maybe I've got this all wrong... and you still feel the same way that I feel about you. In which case I guess I just signed the death certificate on my long hair. I suppose I'll be bald by the end of this month. :-P
  • bald, haircut, hair fetish, karen, barberette, head shave

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