Sep 22, 2009 21:38
Well, the first day of Fall has pretty much come and gone.
I'm still sick, and stayed home from work for a second day in a row. The only problem with that is that I don't have any sick days left in my time off bank, so unless I make the time up later this week I won't be getting paid for today.
I'm feeling really rotten right now. I've broken out into a cold sweat and my body is trembling and shaky. I feel really weak and almost nauseous, like my dinner wants to come back up. I figure my blood sugar levels must be low, so I'm sipping on a Mt. Dew. Karen says I stink, so after I sit here for a little while I'll get up and go take a shower. The good news is that my head is finally clearing up, and I can breathe much easier than I could Sunday and yesterday.
I think that Karen believes that I'm milking this illness, but I really do feel like crap. If I had the time in my sick bank, I'd stay home tomorrow too. It's the first time that I've used any sick time since the beginning of the year; I just so happened to have used almost all of it that first illness where the kids and I were all sick at the same time.
I gave the dishwasher another shot this evening; with some better success in some ways and not so good of a success in others. I have managed to get the old dishwasher disconnected and out of the cabinet space. In the meantime, I nearly broke the inlet hose that supplies hot water to the dishwasher. I'm hoping that I haven't damaged it to the point that I can't use it for the new dishwasher. If so, I guess that I'll have to figure out a way to replace it.
The dishwasher had two shut off valves downstairs in the laundry room. One of which is leaking now that I've disturbed it, and the other one that finally cut the water supply off once I took a wrench to it and tightened it way down. I hope that I can turn the water back on at the valves without them leaking.
The new dishwasher is prepped and ready to go. I went out to Home Depot and got a new 90 degree 3/8" inlet connection for the water supply and installed it. And I'm ready to attach the power and water lines up to it tomorrow night. Here's crossing my fingers and saying a prayer. One concern that I do have is that I'm not sure that the drain hose will reach all the way from the dishwasher to the garbage disposal connection. I may have to go buy a longer one. That will really suck, because I won't know that it won't fit until I actually have the dishwasher in place under the counter top. I'll just have to remember to check it before I have the power and water hooked back up.
Funny... what one person called a 15 to 30 minute job to switch out dishwashers, will have taken me three days to complete... provided nothing else goes wrong. Again,... I stress the fact that I have never done this before, and have no clue as to what I'm doing. I'm just winging it as I go along, and hoping that I don't screw something up to the point that it can not be fixed by myself or by someone else easily and cheaply.
With that said, I'm going to go up and take a shower so that I can drip dry and be in bed at a decent hour. In order to make up the amount of time that I need to between now and Friday, I have to be at work two hours earlier than normal tomorrow morning and have to stay until 7 PM tomorrow night to complete a 12 hour day. UGH!!!!!!!!!!