Mar 01, 2018 20:45
Other than having to go to work, today was a really good day.
Work was pretty slow today, and I already have a lot of OT built up into the week (which I've been told to cap at 10 hours per week).
So, at lunch time, I logged into the SuperCuts app on my phone and put myself on the list for a haircut with Stefanie and took an extra long lunch break. Stefanie never rushes a haircut, and she doesn't just sit and gab the whole time either, so I knew it would work out.
I had her trim my undercut, but not shave it (like I had Denise do a month ago). Karen and I have two social engagements this weekend, and she hates it when I let the stylist shave my undercut. She says it makes my head look like a thumb with a bunch of hair sticking out around the tip. Whatever. If she would take the time to trim it up with the clippers and a number 2 or number 3 clipper guard, I wouldn't even have a need to go to the salon and pay money to have it done. I've asked, and she won't even consider it. It's not like it takes any skill, and there is basically no way to mess it up (in fact, I almost wish she would mess it up, so she would have to give me a crew cut or just completely shave my head), but, she just refuses to take the time and make the effort to do something I've asked her to do for me.
Stefanie did a great job, and Karen even said so. So, I guess I get a passing grade this month.
Hair Color:
Karen wanted her hair touched up for the events this weekend (BCC Reunion dinner tomorrow night at 6 PM, and Trivia Night with my brithers and Sis-in-Laws on Saturday).
I LOVE coloring Karen's hair. It's one of the few times when she lets me play with her hair, and I always get to trim it afterwards. I really don't like having to nibble around the little curly hairs at the bottom of her neck, so I always shave those off and make her neck fuzzy free. It's just so sexy to kiss a cleaned up neck line and not get hair in my mouth when I'm trying to turn her on with my kisses. And, occasionally, she lets me take it up just a midge into the hairline; although with as thin as her hair is, you really can't call it anything resembling an undercut. It's hard to tell where her fuzzies end, and a true hairline begins.
Karen let me use the L'Oreal 4M Dark Mahogany hair color on her hair this month. The deep dark red is so sexy on her, and it has enough brown in it to satisfy her impression that any red hair doesn't make her "look like a clown." the other really sexy part about this hair color shade, is that when it is processing on her head, it turns a really dark color while slathered up on her hair. It's as if her entire head is slathered in glossy almost black-brown shaving cream. Plastered tight to her head, so I can see the beautiful roundness of her head shape. O goodness, it is so sexy.
And, the last reason I absolutely love coloring Karen's hair... She always wants to go out and smoke a cigarette while her hair color is processing (sometimes, she even has two cigarettes while it processes) and she almost always lets me o out to the garage with her to watch her smoke.
It has been a long time since she has let me make a new smoking video. I had hoped that tonight might be the night, and my hopes proved true...
Story time:
As soon as I had finished putting the last of the color on Karen's hair, and had the longer hair all plastered down against her beautiful scalp and clipped on top of her head, I set the timer on the stove to count down the 25 minutes the color needed to process. Karen slipped out of the black vinyl cape that I cover her with to prevent any color from accidentally dripping on her, and she started out for the garage to have a smoke.
I asked if I could come along and "watch" her smoke. And, to my delight, she said yes. I was immediately turned on. I went to grab a tissue and my phone, so I could do a vide of her smoking.
As I walked out into the garage Karen already had her cigarette in her hand, waiting to light it.
I love watching her light up, and have told her that I prefer it when she waits for me to be able to watch from beginning to end.
Karen was holding her phone in her left hand, reading something on either facebook or a meme page. Her right hand held a sexy long white cigarette between the tips of her fingers. She was dressed only in her white panties and light gray sport bra. It was nothing "special" but she looked so hot to me. I wanted her so bad. (of course, knowing that there was no way we would be having any kind of romantic encounter tonight, or any time soon)
I love the way Karen holds her cigarettes. She leaves just enough of the cigarette to put between her lips, and holds it right at the end of her fingers and it always draws attention to her sexy long fingernails; which are always painted. Tonight's fingernail polish color is black; but from the slight chipping in the polish, I'm guessing that color is about to change later this evening.
As I sat down and began to record, Karen turned her gaze to me with a frown and put her phone down. She was annoyed that I would want to record her smoking to watch later. After a minute of scowling, she finally put the Marlboro Light up to her soft lips and lit it with her lighter. the sound of a lighter being flicked always reminds me of the sound that scissors make when they snip through a lock of thick dry hair. It's a quick crunching noise, and in my mind I briefly pretend that it is the sound of Karen hacking off the first lock of hair to begin shearing off my hair.
She blew the first stream of smoke my way, but not in my face as I was hoping for.
She had allowed me to come out to watch her smoke, but she was obviously not in the mood to be very interactive with me.
She spent the entire time looking at her phone, talking about the events we would be going to the next few evenings, none of her attention was on me or the fact that I was wanting her to spend at least a few minutes to help me "play."
At least I will have the video to play with later, but there was nothing about tonight's story time that was about us, or even me at all.
I basically sat there feeling ignored, for the most part. (as usual)
smoking fetish,
red hair,
hair color,