JUNE 2014: MONTHLY MASTERLIST (Harry Potter + Merlin)

Jun 30, 2014 11:11

Harry Potter


EASY AS FLYING - harrydracompreg

How Did I Exist Until I Kissed Ya - hds_beltane


Haiku: Hawthorn

Have A Nice Summer? for hp_humpdrabbles
WC: 540
Summary: Harry's lingering in the empty corridors of Hogwarts until he hears something and someone that isn't supposed to be there.

When Do We Start? for hp_humpdrabbles
WC: 320
Summary: There aren't enough scoundrels in your life

Quoting Draco for hogwarts365
WC: 365

Up To Something for dracoharry100
WC: 100


Draco the Model for this_bloody_cat
A Very Special Birthday for bloodisshrp & capitu
Harry and Draco to the Rescue!
Stop With The Kissing Sounds, Potter for harry_draco_cat



GRIEF for camelot_drabble
Summary: Merlin is grieving when Arthur comes in his life.
WC: 1030

I am a robot with lovers' veins for tavern_tales

CAMELOT_LAND Contributions (Art + Icons + Graphics)

"To destroy is still the strongest instinct in nature."

Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it's on both ends of the spectrum.

Sixteen Going On Seventeen


Title: Tomb of Ashkanar

He saved my life

Five Kingdoms: The Knights of Camelot

There's a hole in my neighbourhood


Ongoing projects (worked on), and other fic submissions for JUNE: hd_tropes, merlinvacations, hp_silencio, hp_darkages, hd_smoochfest, hd_cliche, serpentinelion, hrholidays, hpholiday, hprarefest

MOD duties for JUNE: hprarefest, hp_drizzle, hrholidays, hogwarts365, hp_creatures

Looking forward to participating in: dm_asp_fest, hp_crossgenfest, hd_fan_fair

Half of this could not have been achieved if it wasn't for the support of awesome members from hd_writers and merlin_writers! Make sure to join the community and be inspired!

year: 2014, masterlist, june masterlist, about: writing

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