Not Another Sister's Best Friend Trope

Sep 16, 2023 01:15

Title: Not Another Sister's Best Friend Trope
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x5
Rating: PG
Warnings: CUTE
Challenge: Prompt 521: First Date FOR NEVILLE100
A/N: Unbetaed and tipsy. Hence the title.

In the past month, Charlie had been on seven first dates. He'd met blokes at the pub, been set up with women by his siblings, and even agreed to go on a date with someone a distant cousin had suggested, yet nothing worked.

He didn't fancy any of the people he'd seen. Or they didn't find a liking to his style, career, or bisexuality…

He was laid out on Ginny's bed, reading one of her gossip magazines, when someone unexpectedly knocked on the door.

"Sorry, I thought this was Ginny's room- ?" Neville Longbottom, tall, looking uncomfortable in his own skin, said/asked Charlie.

"It is… she's taking a shower and we're supposed to go out to the pub, so I'm just waiting for her." Charlie uninterestingly pointed at the gossip magazine he was holding. "Exciting stuff."

"Right- " Neville said, looking confused. He bit his lip, looked down at his shoes, and then looked back at Charlie. He seemed as though he was harbouring some secret only he knew.

"What's the matter?"

"I was invited to the pub..."

"Like a date?" asked Charlie, intrigued. He didn't know this boy was Ginny's type. He'd thought Ginny was dating Luna Lovegood.

"No," Neville shook his head. "I'm not… we're not… I mean… we're just friends-?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

Neville chuckled low. "I'm gay. She's one of my best friends. She asked me to hang out with her tonight, so I was here- it looks like it will be a group of us then. I'll wait downstairs in the living room. Sorry to have bothered you, Char…Charlie."

Before Charlie could say anything, Neville sprinted away from him.

"Interesting," Charlie said to no one in particular. Usually, people stuck around Charlie to talk to him, flirt, get his Floo address. Heck, if it was Pansy Parkinson, she would have tried to fuck Charlie on Ginny's bed. Still, Neville seemed to be running away, which only intrigued him. "Oh no- " Charlie said again, to no one in particular, "Shit."

Now, he was intrigued. The man volunteered info that he was gay, and everyone knew about Charlie - there was no secret about it. In that thirty-second interaction, Charlie found Neville's awkwardness intriguing. He hopped off Ginny's bed and returned to his room to change. Since he was only going out with his sister before, he hadn't thought twice about what he was wearing, now he was going to dress to impress. Charlie reckoned that Neville was about half a dozen or so years younger than him if he was close to Ginny's age. Enough for him to seem like an older adult at thirty to a young twenty-three-year-old, and Charlie wasn't going to have it.

His instincts had been right. Well, for the most part.

Neville was intriguing and, exciting, and funny, and charming. And he played hard to get with Charlie all evening. Yet another matter of fact was certain… after meeting Neville, Charlie never went on a first date again.

community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, rating: pg

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