My Jan and Feb 2023 Art Database

Mar 02, 2023 18:33

I have created a database for my art creations so far for 2023, you can view it here. (
It's taken me so long to finally create another art database. All my 2022 creations are all over the place and not cross posted everywhere so hopefully this year I will create half the no. of entries as I did like over 110 in 2022. I hope to stop/finish at 50. It definitely burned me out b/c when I did take a break starting 2023, especially so little created in Jan and a huge break in the month of Feb b/c of holiday, vacation, etc... I feel so refreshed and happy. It also helps to have new hobbies that keep me concentrated and sober.

In anycase, I hope you take a look and enjoy! If you enjoy that kinda thing. I have left the Merlin fandom and don't plan to create anything for fests and removed all the Merlin Discord Servers, as well. I did make ONE committment for Merthur in 2022 so I am still seeing that thru.

I also plan to do less fests and more art for friends, birthday gifts, and pick up a random prompt here and there from a local challenge/community on Livejournal/Dreamwidth. Wish me luck!

about: burnt out, about: come be my friend, about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: art, about: database, -art, about: taking a break

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