[25 Days] Ch. 23: Back from another mission.

Dec 24, 2022 12:27

Title: Back from another mission.
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: 100 + ART
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Prompt V-Knitted Stockings on the Mantel for slythindor100 and "silent" for newyearcntdown 2022.
Warning: Partial Nudity
Disclaimer: Not mine. They're gay. Trans lives matter.
Summary: Harry surprises Draco yet again.
Author's Notes: Unbetaed. Read the whole story on ao3.

It was Christmas Eve; Draco thought he was gonna be alone for the evening. Harry was gone for yet another mission, damn the Ministry and the DMLE, and even though he had plans with his family for Christmas morning and invited to Christmas dinner at the Burrow, there was something sad about spending the evening alone by the fire.

But it wasn't long until Harry showed up. "I just left," he'd said. "I missed you."

Draco grabbed Harry, in his ridiculous Santa outfit, and began to undress him. They fell on the sofa; soon his evening took a great turn.

community: newyearcntdown, story: 25 sweet memories, rating: pg-13, community: slythindor100, pairing: harry/draco, -art

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