Drabble and Drawble: The wrong time to flirt (Neville/Charlie)

Jun 17, 2022 23:59

Title: The wrong time to flirt
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x2 + art
Rating: G
Challenge: Prompt 489: Rain FOR
A/N: Unbetaed.

Ginny and Luna's wedding was obviously meant to be a memorable one and it was as the cosmic gods themselves blessed it with torrential rain to signify the amount of power the couple themselves possessed. The guests were panicking and screaming; they ran from the holy ground to tents to save themselves from the storm. It was pure chaos but Neville and his friends figured it wouldn't have been any other way. They wouldn't have wanted any other way.

Neville stayed behind with the happy couple until they were also escorted to safety. He started to head for shelter when Charlie came out, looking sharp and extremely soaked in his blue suit, offering him an umbrella. He laughed. It was too late.

"A bit late for the chivalrous gesture, mate," said Neville, shivering.

Charlie laughed along. "I know but better late than never, I reckon."

"If this is your way of flirting, Charlie, maybe you should have picked a better time."

Charlie edged himself closer. "Maybe I wanted to get you all wet until I was going to offer to warm you up."

Before Neville could say anything, he sneezed. Charlie wrapped his arm around Neville and Apparated them away.

community: neville100, rating: g, pairing: neville/charlie, -art

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