Nothing To Something. Part 5: Together. (The end)

May 24, 2022 13:45

Title: Together.
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x5
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Prompt 487: Colour FOR Neville100
A/N: Part 5 & ending for "NOTHING TO SOMETHING."

"Ask me to dinner what?" Neville asked, not moving from his place and glaring at Charlie. "So you can apologise, let me down easy, and then move on with your life?"

I guess he was in for it now. Why was Charlie here, anyway?

"No…" Charlie drawled. "I am here to ask you out on a date… Maybe I'd hoped I could flirt with you a little bit and…" He paused.

Neville rolled his eyes. "If you think you're getting a shag tonight, Charlie-"

"A kiss," said Charlie. "I was hoping for a kiss, is all. I mean… we have been dancing circles around each other for ages and though I'd asked you out to the pub, I know it was cowardly of me. I should have asked you out on a proper date. I'm just not good at these sorts of things. Most of my relationships start with a shag, then they move to kissing, then they move to dinner. And if I'm honest, when I saw you with that bloke I panicked. I was jealous and I did what I do best…"

"Snapped. Ran away. Didn't admit your feelings?" Neville asked.

"Gods, you are good friends with Ginny aren't you? You both talk exactly the same way."

"We are true to who we are, Charlie. There's nothing else about it. You've seen my true colours, and maybe more than that. You've already seen me without a shirt."

"I'd like to see more…"

"So, dinner you say? You're hoping I'd say yes?"


"Ha. There's that word again," Neville said. "Charlie, for a Gryffindor, there's nothing obvious about you. Maybe you've spent too much time with dragons and you think if you just non-verbally act a certain way everyone else will understand you because your precious little dragons do."

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing."

Neville shrugged. "It's not all that bad, I suppose. I did fall for you, yeah?"

"You… fell for me?"

Neville rolled his eyes again. In for the sickle, in for the knut. "Obviously," he said.

Charlie laughed. "I deserved that."

"I'd like to go out to dinner with you, Charlie."

"Yeah? How soon? When are you free? Do I need to make a reservation for a posh place… Shit. I'll need Ginny's help."

"No, that's OK. Tomorrow night. You can come over. I'll cook."

"Oh. you're sure?"

Neville shook his head. "No, I'm not sure. But I fancy you. I am a decent cook. And if we go out, what if you see someone else more attractive."

"You're ridiculous, you know?"

"Well, yes. I do, actually. And that's why you have to be certain you want me. Because I'm not about to change for anyone. Not even for the hottest man on the planet."

"Hottest man on the planet?" Charlie said in a teasing tone.

"Yeah, and until he rolls around, I suppose you'll do."

"Ouch, Neville. You hurt me."

"Well, you started it."

Charlie grinned and took a step closer to Neville. "So how about that kiss now?"


community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, challenge: jmdc, story: nothing to something

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