
Mar 14, 2022 21:45

Title: Superficiality
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x5
Rating: G/PG
Warnings: Body issues.
Challenge: Prompt 482: Story Time for
A/N: This is part 3 of the "nothing to something" story. Read it all here.

"It isn't that I don't want to date you. Obviously, I do."

Obviously. Neville gaped at Charlie, in disbelief, which might have been clear on his face because Charlie stood tall, clearing his throat.

"You're my little sister's friend."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Neville grumbled. "That's your bloody excuse? After all this time? I am well over the age you know, so is she. She isn't little, Charlie."

Charlie seemed to hesitate; whatever fight was left in Neville seemed to escape him. Maybe it was about the way he looked. It wouldn't be the first time. Most wizards his age, in his social circle, were a bit on the fit side and a bit on the superficial side. He'd heard Draco talk about what he loved about Harry and a part of it was how "hot" Harry was. Everyone he knew looked like they loved exercising, playing sports, or had a healthy enough sex life to keep their weight down.

Neville had always been a little...thick. Even if he'd lost all his baby fat from his Hogwarts days, he was far from being comfortable taking his shirt off at the lake holidays. He knew no one around him cared. But he cared. And evidently so did the men who wanted to shag him.

He turned so he could take his leave when Charlie pulled on his elbow again.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" asked Neville.

"Where did you go?"

Neville rolled his eyes. "Forget it, Charlie. I was an idiot to think we could be adults and have a conversation. Clearly, only one of us is a grown up."

Yes, the default of just snap back and walk away, was the best method here.

"No, wait..." Charlie tugged again; Neville yanked his arm away from Charlie's grip.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Charlie," he said.

He quickly escaped, finding a dark corner to catch his breath before Disapparating home. What a bloody disappointing evening. He thought he was going on a date with Charlie and it ended up in a total disaster.

When Neville got home, he took his jacket plus scarf off, throwing them on the sofa. If he'd lived with his grandmother still, still bite his head off for being so clumsy, but tonight, Neville wasn't giving any fucks. He was bone tired. He wanted to get out of his clothes, burn them if he needed to, and take a long, soaking bath.

Except, when he was about to step out of his trousers, his Floo chimed.

He absentmindedly walked over to answer it.

"Hi, can I come through?"

Fucking Charlie Weasley... still haunting him. Neville wasn't a fool. Ultimately, Charlie wasn't a terrible person if he'd come chasing after him, even if it was to make sure Neville was feeling okay after being rejected.

"Sure." Neville allowed Charlie to enter.

When Charlie stepped through, he looked around; then his eyes widened when he saw Neville.

"Fuck," mumbled Neville. He was half-dressed which he'd totally forgot.

community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, story: nothing to something, rating: pg

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