[ART] There was a first time for everything.

Jan 13, 2022 12:35

Title: There was a first time for everything.
Created by:
Fandom/Pairing: Young - Snape/Rosmerta
Rating: G
Warnings/Content: NA
Summary: They were young and did whatever they felt like :)
A/N: Birthday gift to mywitch. You're always bringing joy to all of us w/ your amazing art. I hope you like this one for you! ♥ Also created for
enchanted_jae JMDC: i've missed you. Thanks to
sugareey for some pointers!

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/871292.html. Thanks for reading

rating: g, recipient: mywitch, gift art, pairing: snape/rosmerta, -het, -art

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