SNOWFLAKE Challenge No. 2

Jan 03, 2022 00:51

Challenge # 2

In your own space, set some goals for the coming year. They can be fannish or not, public or private.


For fandom. I want to create more femslash fics (with substance) and more trans!art. Maybe even write a trans!fic but IDK if that'll happen beyond the non-binary. I struggle w/ my own NB-ness a lot and being misgendered - especially from friends leaves me sad and crippled w/ emotions. So we shall see.

I also want to finish my 3 MAJOR WIPs. 1. is HD mpreg that I started in April 2020. 2. is Merlin/Arthur/Mordred threesome - HEA relationship fic that I started in 2015-2016. (maybe i'll sign up for ACBB to finish this. I actually ALREADY have art for the fic. Even though it's not finished thanks to
dylan_mx) and 3. is basically the plethora of WIPs I have on my AO3.

On a personal level, I am taking a major international holiday in Feb 2022 and I hope that I don't catch COVID. ROFL. That shit is real.

FINALLY. I am done w/ the big establishment job I got in March 2020 where I started remotely and worked remotely for 18+ months until they forced me to come in person. My goal is to go back into the non-profit world and work w/ the least cis white men as possible. (Sorry not sorry.) This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

about: dig should be sleeping instead, snowflake challenge

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