Fic: Let the storm rage on (Chapter 22)

Jan 01, 2022 23:23

Story Title: Let The Storm Rage On
Chapter No.: Twenty Two. Dressing Like Muggles.
Word Count: 1025
Rating: PG
Notes: Part of the 25 days of Drarry year: 2021. Author is inconsistent and switches between "Manor," "Malfoy Manor," and "Ice Tower" with abandon. Relatively unbetaed for the most part.
Prompts:"Red and White Socks" for
Summary: Draco doesn't want to admit it but he's nervous about his date. No, he's not.

"Okay," Draco said, standing up. "When would you like to go to the Muggle Market?"

"Um. Okay…" Potter said, standing up as well. He was face-to-face with Draco, not truly keeping his distance, either. "Okay," he said again. "How about in one hour?"

"Very well." Draco nodded once, turning turned to leave the room.

"Hey…" Potter said, grabbing Draco's elbow. "Don't act like it's some chore you're being forced to do."

Draco raised an eyebrow, then looked down at Potter's hand holding him. Potter immediately released it. "I've said yes. Do you find me the type to say yes to you if I had wished to say "no," Potter?"

"No. But I mean…"

"Is the Saviour second guessing himself?"

"I told you not to call me that."

Draco gave a small chuckle. "Look, Potter… Did you want to go or not? I have to prepare myself for being in public, putting on a disguise, find suitable Muggle attire-"

"Oh. Right. Of-of course!" Potter said, straightening up. "Me too."

"Excellent," said Draco. "So, see you by the Floo in an hour."

"We're taking the Floo?" Potter asked, sounding confused.

"Yes. You'll see."

Draco quickly walked away, heading to his room, and collapsing on the bed. What was he doing? What was Potter doing to him? Going out in the public, with Muggles. With Potter! This was probably a terrible idea. This was some sort of scheme to get Draco out of the manor so Potter can do some tricks in the place. He was going to trap Draco out of the castle and not allow him in!

Draco took in a deep breath and thought over his theories. No, Potter wouldn't do any of that, because Potter couldn't do any of that. If Potter was with Draco, then he wouldn't be in the castle without Draco, and no one else could come in and investigate. Further, the house-elves would protect the house, and they would Fire-call his mother if there was any trouble, and Virgileno would come and get him immediately.

This was Draco being nervous.

"I'm trying to ask you out on a date here, Draco."

Right. Draco remembered what he was nervous about now. He got up off the bed, headed to the shower. Once he was finished, he searched his wardrobe for the right outfit. He wouldn't be cold, but he'd need to put on the guise of dressing warmly because if he wore one layer of clothing, people would be suspicious. Potter would be suspicious.

He frowned and went through all of his clothes, unable to decide what he wanted to wear. He looked over at the time and realised he only had twenty minutes left. "Bugger!" He'd not even thought about how to alter his appearance yet, either. He was going to be late.

Late for your date, Draco?

Draco groaned.

Finally, he summoned a fashion magazine and looked through it quickly. He dressed himself with casual wizarding robes and reached for his wand. Looking into the mirror, Draco transformed his clothes into a black, silk buttoned-down shirt, and a pair of dark blue jeans. He altered his house-slippers into sophisticated looking dark green and black trainers. He'd read it in the magazine that these particular trainers had waterproofing, and good traction, and they were lightweight and comfortable. His spell concentrated on all those words as he placed the incantation, and it seemed to work. He looked in the mirror and thought he looked alright enough and then headed back to his wardrobe. He picked a dark green knitted scarf he'd received from his mother for his twenty-fourth birthday, and a black leather jacket. Hoping he looked Muggle enough, Draco decided he was going to let Potter spell his appearance.

He headed down to the room with the fireplace to wait for Potter. Potter was already there.

"Oh," Potter said, giving Draco a once-over.

"What?" Draco asked, his eyes wide, slightly panicking. Was he not dressed correctly? Should he have simply changed his appearance? "Something wrong? I… this is what Muggles wear in the winter, right? I thought we were going to look casual, I could wear a suit-"

"No. You look fine. Fine," Potter said, "Fine."

Draco tried to scrutinise Potter with a look. He didn't know what to do with Potter's reaction. Finally, now since he had a moment to look Potter over, Draco took in Potter's look. He was dressed as he always did in a jumper and dark jeans. He wasn't wearing any shoes yet as Draco noticed the red and white socks on Potter's feet.

"Where are your shoes?" Draco asked.

"Right," Potter said, and he murmured a spell when a pair of black boots appeared.

"Won't you require a coat?" Draco asked.

Potter shrugged. "I don't usually wear one, but I can buy something from one of the shops if I need it." He looked at Draco's face for a long moment before he said, "Are you changing your…face…features. I mean. We decided on…"

"What is with you today?" Draco asked, slightly impatient.

"What?" Potter snapped. Draco frowned at Potter's reaction, to which Potter quickly added, "Shit. Sorry."

"It's fine," Draco said, trying not to be too upset by Potter snapping at him. He didn't know what Potter's problem was, and further, Draco was annoyed at being hurt by his reaction. "I supposed it would be better if you used a spell to change both of our appearances, this way, you could trust I wasn't going to do anything dubious, and if one person casts the alteration spell, it'll be easier to stay connected if we separate."

"Why would I think you'd do something dubious?" Potter asked with a smile, "Is it to fool me and you are going to do something dubious?"

Draco groaned. "Do you always comment on remarks with questions, Potter?"

"Why does that annoy you?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "If you're just about ready then? I fear the longer we linger around to talk, the shops will be closed by the time we arrive."

"Wow, you really wanna get this date started, Draco."

There it was again. Draco. This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

community: dracoharry100, story: let the storm rage on, community: slythindor100, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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