The Dream Team (Merlin, Lancelot)

May 09, 2014 17:51

Title: The Dream Team
Created by: digthewriter
Medium: Graphic Art. Manipulation.
Pairing: Merlin, Lancelot
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fire. Camelot!AU
Created for: camelot_land Prompt: Greenwood
Disclaimer: The characters of Merlin belong to BBC & Shine. I own nothing.  This 'artwork' was created for fun. No profit is being made.
Notes: First time doing a photo manipulation thing that I didn't totally hate.  Pointers welcomed!
Summary: Lancelot and Merlin are sent to Greenwood to kill the Griffin that's destroyed the village

pairing: merlin/lancelot, fandom: merlin, community: camelot_land, rating: pg, type: canon!au

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