FIC: Let the storm rage on (chapter 1)

Dec 01, 2021 00:05

Story Title: Let The Storm Rage On
Chapter No.:One. An introduction to the Ice Prince
Word Count: 200
Rating: G | Eventually maybe more? Maybe not? I don't know.
Notes: Part of the 25 days of Drarry year: 2021. Author is inconsistent and switches between "Manor," "Malfoy Manor," and "Ice Tower" with abandon. Relatively unbetaed.
Prompts: Snow Man Coffee Mug for
slythindor100. Hot Chocolate for
newyearcntdown and
Summary: We begin with Draco…


Eyes closed, Draco settled back into his bed and released a long sigh. Another day of possibilities, and yet another day of doing...nothing.

He was aware of what he was known as in the Wizarding World and how much fear it instilled in the minds of commoners, they were after all, so below his intellect.

He had been content living in his ice castle where it was winter all year. He had his books, his manuscripts, his experiments. But now he was also far too cognizant of the subtle decorations the House-Elves were commencing to adorn everywhere.

His favourite elf, Virgileno had replaced his usual mug of coffee earlier that morning with a festive one and for the evening, Draco received his Baileys in a similar mug, a marshmallow in shape of a snowman with a top hat was afloat. A huge smile on its face. Draco gave an extra scowl when he drank his evening hot chocolate.

He supposed he couldn't help it. It was Christmas Season. The appropriate time for Wiltshire to have snow and for Draco to endure Virgileno's enthusiasm. Besides, he also anticipated things to get interesting soon enough.

Harry Potter was in town. This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

community: dracoharry100, rating: g, community: newyearcntdown, story: let the storm rage on, community: slythindor100, pairing: harry/draco

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