La Lucha (The Struggle)

Oct 11, 2021 00:17

Title: La Lucha (The Struggle)
Pairing/Characters: Neville, Charlie, Ginny
Word Count: 100x3
Rating: PG
Challenge: Prompt 471: Change of Plans for
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

Ginny rolled her eyes at her brother and commanded him to get her a drink before she took a seat across from Neville.

"So, change of plans?"

Neville knew he couldn't lie to her, or well, he shouldn't lie to her.

"Something like that," he said.

"This is what I was afraid of. You know he doesn't much-"

"I know," Neville said. "But it's different. Maybe it feels different, too. For him, as well. I didn't think I was going to fall for him. You believe that right? I wouldn't necessarily put myself at such risk-"

"Yeah, you would. You're a Gryffindor," she said.

When Charlie returned, she slid over on the bench allowing her brother to sit next to her. She glowered at him and then, eventually, took a big gulp of her drink.

"What did I do in the five minutes I was gone?" asked Charlie.

"Nothing," she said, looking annoyed. "I can't believe you managed to make him fancy you in such a short time."

"Ginny!" Neville exclaimed. "Honestly…"

"What? Who?" Charlie asked, looking confused, his head moving back and forth from Neville's expression to Ginny's scowl. "I didn't make him fancy me," he added. "He loves his ex-boyfriend."

Neville groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"That's what he told you?"

"Again. He is right here," Neville said. "And you're not helping, Ginny. At all."

"Well, that's good. Because I think it's stupid you've fallen for Charlie. If you were going to fall in love with someone in my family, it should be Percy. He's reliable. Except…"

"Percy has a boyfriend, remember?" Neville said.

"So you've considered it," Ginny said, proudly.

"What?" Charlie interjected. "You've considered falling for Percy?"

"No. I've not considered falling for anyone," replied Neville, with a heavy sigh.

What was this family? This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

community: neville100, story: una aventura, pairing: neville/charlie

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