Un niño perdido

Jun 23, 2021 01:48

Title: Un niño perdido (A lost boy)
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Prompt 463: Pub Quiz for
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

Unfortunately for Neville, the pub he'd tried to find shelter at had soon filled up. A voice loomed over and it nearly startled him until he realised it was the host of the pub quiz event.

"Brilliant," he said to himself. He should have simply headed home. He shouldn't have run away like that, and he shouldn't have left Sonam all alone with Charlie. Who knew what story one was telling the other.

Another small pang of jealousy crept up when Neville thought maybe they'd be flirting. Sonam was in love with someone else but wasn't Charlie just so charming? This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/843711.html. Thanks for reading

community: neville100, story: una aventura, pairing: neville/charlie, rating: pg

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