[Personal] Get to know me - again - meme

Apr 10, 2021 21:21

Pick a category and leave a comment. in a few days, I'll make a post w/ answers of the ones you really wanted to know!

[5] favorite movies
[5] favorite tv shows
[5] favorite books
[5] favorite female characters
[5] favorite male characters
[5] favorite relationships
[5] favorite friendships
[5] favorite actors
[5] favorite actresses
[5] favorite singers
[5] favorite bands
[5] favorite music videos
[5] favorite youtubers
[5] current celebrity crushes

Well aware this is a bit gendered so I might throw in NB actors/characters if the shoe fits :D
Copy and paste on your own journal, too! This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/838838.html. Thanks for reading

about: fun things, about: memes, about: dig should be writing instead

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