An Unexpected Side of the Interrogation | Arthur Weasley / Lucius Malfoy

Mar 17, 2021 00:47

Title: An Unexpected Side of the Interrogation
Created by: digthewriter
Fandom/Pairing: Lucius Malfoy / Arthur Weasley
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG-13
Summary: As Lucius Malfoy sat in his interrogation cell waiting for the inevitable - something unexpected happened.
A/N: Unbetaed. Written for "what fic you wanna read about" challenge w/ prompts from mywitch: arthur/lucius 'eye to eye' & torino10154: unexpected.

Lucius Malfoy sat in his interrogation cell waiting for the inevitable. He'd been brought in a few times already, various aurors asking him all sorts of questions he provided answers to. It had been instructed for him to do so. His son Draco had threatened to lie and state Lucius had been the mastermind of all the plans the Dark Lord had created. Which was of course, not true. Lucius had been a mere puppet, similar to the rest of them.

Yet, the Ministry of Magic and the Department of Law Enforcement didn't think so. Lucius nearly snorted at the thought. Law Enforcement. What did they know to do, anyway? How were they any different than the Death Eaters who followed their leader, unable to deviate from the mission.

Arthur Weasley walked in and sat across from him. Lucius hadn't seen Arthur in ages. Not since the war. There had been a time once…a very, very long time ago, things were different between them. But that was before the Dark Lord the first time. Before Narcissa. Before he married Molly.

Now, they didn't see eye-to-eye on anything. Even if their respective spouses had moved on or moved away. Yes, Lucius knew of Molly Weasley's move to Budapest. A desire to be close to her children, she'd said, as she'd left with a few of them who wanted to work away from the remnants of the wizarding war. Rumour had it, Weasley was due to shift there as well, yet here he was. In front of Lucius.

"How's the family, Arthur?" Lucius mocked.

"How's yours?" Weasley replied. "Your son says hello, by the way."

Lucius' eyes narrowed. He knew why Arthur had brought him up like that. He knew why Draco would be hanging around a Weasley. Potter.

"What do you wish to learn today?" Lucius asked simply. He didn't have time to play these games. Even if he did, he didn't need them to know he had nowhere else to go, nothing else to do. In a twisted sort of way, Lucius enjoyed these little visits.

They went through the song and dance.

When it was time for him to leave, Lucius collected himself, and with his head held high, walked out of the door. He'd only managed a few steps on a strong grip on his elbow dragged him back, not into the interrogation room but another empty one. It was windowless and smelled of something foul. Was this it? Was this how he was going to finally end it? He had to wonder.

Lucius opened his eyes, not realising he'd closed them, and Arthur Weasley's face was mere centimetres away.

"What will you have me do now?" Lucius asked but Arthur didn't answer. Lucius pressed his hips against Arthur's, loving the friction between them, and the heat was undeniable. "I could…" he lingered and yet there was no response.

Lucius's hand travelled down to Arthur's trousers and he unbuckled the belt. "Are you going to stop me?" he asked.

Arthur Weasley shook his head. Without any hesitation, Lucius gave a little smirk, and dropped to his knees.

recipient: mywitch, rating: pg-13, pairing: lucius malfoy/arthur weasley, gift fic, recipient: torino10154

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