[Star Wars] Fanart: Undercover at Canto Bight (Poe/Finn)

Jan 12, 2021 00:12

Title: Undercover at Canto Bight
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: G
Content notes: Digital
Author notes: For
fan_flashworks Challenge 322: Roof | The skyline is not actually from the movie featuring Canto Bight… but still…
Summary: ALT-AU: Poe & Finn go undercover and Poe likes to take any opportunity he can to flirt. This time, on the roof looking over a beautiful skyline.

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/824200.html. Thanks for reading

fandom: star wars, fandom: not-harry-potter, rating: g, community: fan_flashworks, pairing: poe/finn, -art

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