“The secret of joy is the mastery of pain.”

Jan 04, 2021 21:20

So I reached almost 87% of my goal for 2020 in terms of writing. It's been quite a year, of course, but writing wise - IDK what happened to me and December just took off! Chart below - my goal was 150,000 and I did almost exactly 130,000 words with 152 days of writing. Worst month of September, which I think if you're in academia, it makes sense. I also took an online course that started at the end of August and ran all the way through December. Lots of reading and lots of homework. Additionally, drizzle began posting in September and ran for 6 weeks so most of my days were hand holding members posting fic/art and doing a bunch of behind the scene drama. But all in all, I wish I had found more time to write but working from home and living at home and not going anywhere 24/7 with my partner doing the exact same thing - and also not really having a good 'work' and 'writing' space until maybe November, lol - for 6+ months I was working either on the bed or on the kitchen counter until I finally got a working desk as I'd given my office space to my partner who has a big important job (way more important than mine, lol).

Ok, done rambling now. Thanks for reading!

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/823089.html. Thanks for reading

about: come be my friend, about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: dig quotes anais nin, about: what is this life?, about: writing

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