Is that a golden snitch (or my heart) you're after? | THE END

Dec 31, 2020 01:26

Title: Is that a golden snitch (or my heart) you're after? (AO3)
Chapter No. 31: A promising future.
Length/Size of work: 1000
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: Not mine. No profit is being made.
Prompt(s) Used: Traditional prompt for
slythindor100: Kreacher.
Summary: Draco takes Potter home and meets Kreacher. They also discuss the future.

Potter was allowed to leave the hospital after one day and Draco decided to accompany him to his place. As soon as they arrived, Kreacher was besides himself.

"Potter and Master Draco!" Kreacher exclaimed. "Oh Kreacher is most blessed by Master Draco's presence! Finally Potter has done something right. Welcome, Master Draco. Most welcome!"

"Ugh…" Potter groaned. "We should have gone to yours."

"Yes, but all your things are here and you need rest. Kreacher, get us some tea immediately."

"Yes. Of course. Kreacher will get tea for Master Draco!"

"And Potter," Draco said and Potter wrapped his arm around Draco's shoulder and winked at Kreacher.

Kreacher grumbled and disappeared.

Potter and Draco sat on Potter's sofa in the living room as Draco looked around, taking the place in. "You have no decorations, Potter."

Potter shrugged. "I don't spend much time here. If you can't tell, Kreacher hates it when I'm home so…"

"Where are you most days?" Draco asked.

"At the Burrow. Sometimes I sleep at Ron and Hermione's and well, last few days I've been at this bloke's house…I kinda fancy it."

Draco shook his head. "You need one place to stay, Potter. You can't stick to a Quidditch team, can't stick to one place to live in, doesn't bode well for a new relationship. How do you expect me to trust you?"

"Hmm…" Potter seemed to think over his next set of words. "Maybe I should move in with you."

"I…I don't think that's the answer," replied Draco.

"Fine, I'll do better," Potter replied. "I'm sure Kreacher will help me decorate."

"I could help you decorate. And your friends, too. You have to ask," Draco said as Potter cuddled up to him and rested his head on Draco's shoulder.

"Sorry if I terribly embarrassed myself in front of the team and the Weasleys yesterday."

Draco laughed. He pulled Potter close to him and kissed the top of his head. "You're absolutely mental but it's alright. The team had a good laugh and after two of their players ending up in hospital, I suppose, they were allowed to have a bit of fun. The Weasleys, on the other hand… I can't believe I'm getting roped into attending a New Year's Eve party per Molly Weasley's invitation."

"You don't have to go," Potter said, stiffening up a bit. He didn't sound at ease anymore.

"You don't want me to go?" asked Draco. Suddenly spending New Year's Eve alone was no longer a pleasing thought even though a month before Draco had been looking forward to some peace and quiet in his life.

"That's not what I said… Of course, I want you to go with me. Especially after I announced to the world you're my boyfriend."

"Remember it, do you?" Draco said, swatting the back of Potter's head. "Would have been nice if you'd asked me to be your boyfriend first."

"Well, will you be my boyfriend?" Potter looked up at Draco and his eyes were so big and hopeful, Draco wanted to crush them. Okay, maybe he didn't, but he didn't want Potter to have it so easy, either.

"We'll see," replied Draco.

Potter nodded as if he understood but didn't look pleased.

"After the New Year, we have a few months off and I was thinking of going on holiday…" Draco drawled after a few moments of silence. "Maybe you can use some of the prize money the Ministry is going to award you and come with."

"Oh!" Potter sat up straight and before he could say anything, Kreacher appeared with tea and biscuits.

"Anything else for the Masters of the House?" Kreacher asked, bowing his head.

"Masters now? You barely recognise me as a master and now we're using the world in plurals, are we?"

"Master Draco, the true Heir of the House of Black is courting Harry Potter," Kreacher said, sounding proud, "I will call Potter Master as well, if it pleases Master Malfoy…"

"Oh boy…" Potter mumbled.

"Very well," replied Draco. "Now will you do us a favour and leave us alone for a few hours. You are allowed to visit my home and speak to the house-elves there. Will that do?"

Kreacher bowed once more and Disapparated.

Potter released a sigh of relief. "So what was this about a holiday we were discussing?" he asked.

"We can talk about that later. First, you have to rest for a few hours and then we have to go meet Clive and the team for the celebration. The team's going to be excited to hear how much the prize money they are all receiving and how much is being donated to charity. So drink your tea and then let's get you upstairs."

"Ready to get me out of my clothes already, Draco?" Potter teased. He leaned closer and kissed Draco on the cheek. "Thanks for taking care of me."

Draco felt his cheeks warm up but didn't reply. After everything they had been through this month, he couldn't deny his feelings anymore. He fancied Potter, perhaps it was why he'd been ignoring him for so many years. And now, when Potter had made the first move, it had become so easy to fall for him. As much as Draco didn't want to admit to himself.

Knowing Potter and how much the team was supporting them was also giving Draco a bit of encouragement to continue standing up to his father. He knew he was never going to let his father take control of the team but every day now, that resolve was strengthening and Draco was glad for it.

Draco grabbed a biscuit and shoved it in Potter's mouth. "Eat," he said.

Potter laughed, caught in the surprise and Draco laughed with him. It was good. This felt good and Draco was finally starting to feel content. He didn't know where Potter was going to move onto in his career but he Draco was extremely thankful he'd come to play for the Blue Bats.THE END This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

rating: pg-13, story: golden snitch or my heart?, community: slythindor100

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