Is that a golden snitch (or my heart) you're after? | CHAPTER 28

Dec 28, 2020 01:13

Title: Is that a golden snitch (or my heart) you're after? (AO3)
Chapter No. 28: Something and Everything
Length/Size of work: 560
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: Not mine. No profit is being made.
Prompt(s) Used: Traditional prompt for
slythindor100: blanket ladder.
Summary: Draco and Potter go to bed but do they sleep?

Draco grabbed Potter by the arm and led him to the bed. He turned to the blanket ladder situated near his bed and picked one up for them to share. He watched as Potter climbed on his bed and sat up straight in the corner with legs crossed and a worried look.

"It's alright, Potter," Draco said, trying to reassure him. Ultimately, he settled on the bed next to Potter and pulled the blanket over them.

"Goodnight, Potter."

"Wait…" Potter said.


"I thought we were going to drink the mulled wine."

"Fine," Draco huffed and handed him a mug. He'd been so all over the place he'd forgot his own plan and was glad Potter was there. "Thank you for coming by tonight. I'm glad you're here…" Draco mumbled.

Potter's eyes widened. "Do you mean it?"

"Of course, I mean it," Draco said, scowling.

"I'm glad I'm here. Sorry about… if I tease you too much. It's a bad habit and I sometimes don't know when to bring it back."

"Cheers," Draco said and took a sip of his wine. Potter did the same.

"This is really good."

"Thanks," Draco said with a smile. He felt a little triumphant at making a drink Potter liked given how he'd seemed to love the Seeker's Downfall Potter had ordered for him at the pub.

They drank in silence for a while until Potter reached over Draco and placed his mug on the side-table. As he did so, his cheek brushed against Draco's and he didn't pull away. "Can I kiss you again?" he asked and Draco nodded. He too placed his mug out of the way when Potter cupped Draco's cheek and pulled him close.

They kissed softly for a bit. Deep, wet kisses, taking their time and for once, Draco really felt like he didn't have to rush anywhere. It was so tender it almost broke Draco's heart. He didn't know he could care about a kiss in such a way - that he could kiss someone so gently and continue wanting to kiss them forever.

Slowly, as they continued kissing, they ended up laying flat on the bed, with their limbs tangled. Potter's lips travelled down Draco's cheek, his throat, and he started to suck on Draco's collarbone. Draco arched up and moaned, wanting to pull Potter on top of him, to feel his weight there, so be able to give and take more than what they'd promised each other for the night.

Potter's hands roamed down Draco's body until his fingers made contact with Draco's skin. Draco's breath hitched when Potter's thumbs hooked on the elastic of Draco's trousers.

"Do you want me to stop?" Potter asked, huskily.



"You're the one who asked and now you're hesitating?"

"It's just…" Potter spoke softly. "I wanted to do this proper. Court you but things escalated in such a way, I haven't been able to control them."

"We don't have to do everything tonight," Draco replied. "But if you wanted to do something…" Draco turned his body and palmed Potter's erection, "I'm not against it."

Potter grinned before kissing and sucking Draco's neck again. "Brilliant. And I'll make you breakfast tomorrow morning so it can be our second date."

"When was our first date?" Draco asked as Potter pulled down Draco's trousers and then his as well.

Potter didn't reply. This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

rating: pg-13, story: golden snitch or my heart?, community: slythindor100

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