[adventdrabbles] Teasing Neville is fun.

Dec 27, 2020 02:22

Title: Teasing Neville is fun.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Charlie. Neville.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge/Summary: PROMPT 27 for
adventdrabbles: naughty underwear.
A/N: Unbetaed. Part 27 of "Fluff Adorableness" (ao3 link) (DW LINK)

As the family continued in the Christmas market, Charlie spotted Neville who was at a fabric's booth, alone. Breaking away from the group, Charlie went to stand by him.

"Hey…" he whispered lightly which evidently still gave Neville a start.

"Shit…" Neville dropped the piece of red fabric he was holding.

Charlie quickly grabbed it and chuckled. The word "Naughty" was etched on it.

"Thinking of fabricating some naughty underwear?" teased Charlie.

Neville's face went crimson for a moment until he school his features. "You know. Now I can see why you're still single," he teased.

"Ouch, Neville. That hurts." This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/818990.html. Thanks for reading

character: charlie weasley, rating: g, series: fluff adorableness, character: neville longbottom, community: adventdrabbles

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