Is that a golden snitch (or my heart) you're after? | CHAPTER 20

Dec 20, 2020 00:05

Title: Is that a golden snitch (or my heart) you're after? (AO3)
Chapter No. 20: "It needs to mean nothing."
Length/Size of work: 565
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: Not mine. No profit is being made.
Prompt(s) Used: hot chocolate
Summary: Draco is freaking out in hospital.

At St Mungo's Draco was losing it. Well, he tried not to show it but he was indeed, losing it. What was he going to do if something happened to Iosaf? He was one of their best players but it didn't matter right now - he was special to Draco. They were friends. Draco cared for everyone on the team and would be freaking out if it was Canice, or Trevor, or Julius-

"You really care for him…" It wasn't a question but Draco saw the question in Potter's eyes.

"Potter. Not now…"

"I know. I'm not-"

"I don't need this right now," said Draco.

"What do you need then? What can I do?"

"Here…" Clive came into the hallway holding a giant mug of hot cocoa and offered it to Draco. "Drink this and relax. We're not going to know anything until the Healers complete their full analysis. So you need to settle down. Both of you. Potter, you want to help? Leave Draco alone. We have press gathering outside the hospital why don't you take Luke and Kason with you and go answer a few questions. Tell them we don't know anything and we're hoping for a speedy recovery."

"Anything specific I should or shouldn't tell them?"

"I've already had one reporter contact me about the two of you snogging outside the Leaky Cauldron last night so you know…those questions might come up."

"What?" Draco looked up to catch Clive's eye.

"Shite…" Potter mumbled.

"Yeah. Shite is right. I don't know why the owner of a Quidditch team, also known as richest bachelor only second to Saviour of the wizarding world can't be more discrete."

"I…" Potter hesitated.

"It's nothing. We're nothing. It was nothing. It didn't happen. Whoever claimed they saw something didn't see anything. There's nothing."

Clive raised an eyebrow at Draco and turned to look at Potter. "Got that? There's nothing. No pictures. No proof. It's not real."

"Right…" Potter said, and Draco didn't know what he was thinking or feeling and Draco didn't dare look at him. Eventually, he heard Potter's footsteps walking away.

As the footsteps became faint, Draco felt defeated. Clive turned to look at him. "I expected you to be more careful, Draco…"

"I know. I'm sorry."

"About what? Snogging Potter or getting caught?"

Draco shrugged. "I liked snogging him," he admitted in a low voice. "Maybe expected him to be more careful than me. Or…what am I even saying? He's bloody sodding Potter. He would never be careful."

"That's why you have to be careful for the both of you."

"My father…" Draco cleared his throat, trying to keep the emotion out of him. "He caught me by surprise…I went out for a drink and well…I wasn't my best self."

Draco looked up at Clive who was smiling at him. "This is more and I like it. There's real emotion there. I know you claim your father is extremely difficult to deal with and I'll agree. I don't necessarily want him to be the one calling the shots - but you liked how Potter made you feel after, didn't you? I mean…I don't need the details but maybe you should try to talk to him. If you let your guard down so easily with him - maybe when you close yourself up, you should take him in with you."

"It isn't so easy." This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

community: dracoharry100, community: newyearcntdown, story: golden snitch or my heart?, community: slythindor100, rating: pg

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