un estado de pánico. (a state of panic)

Dec 17, 2020 22:09

Title: un estado de pánico. (a state of panic)
Pairing: Neville/Charlie.
Word Count: 100x3
Rating: PG
Challenge: PROMPT 450: SCATTER for
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

By the time Charlie returned to their table, all of Neville's thoughts were scattered. He wanted to scowl at Sonam for putting the thought in his mind and curse himself for now having entertained the possibility. Even if it'd been for mere moments, the idea to have something with Charlie sounded…nice.

"Here are all your drinks," Charlie said cheerily then looked around the table. "What's the matter?"

"Who was that…" Sonam said, gesturing towards the bar with this head.

Charlie looked confused for a moment. "Oh that was Pola. He's an old friend, bit of a flirt…his boyfriend was watching so he wanted to make him jealous. He kissed me on the cheek, did you catch that?" Charlie said, sighing. "Fancies himself trouble, is all. Next thing you know the bloody boyfriend's going to march over here and demand a fight."

"Really?" Sonam asked, fascinated.

Charlie laughed. "No. Not really, but, Pola's like that."

Neville scoffed, not realising he'd done so. He reached for his drink and rolled his eyes. What sort of a name is Pola, anyway? "Shit," Neville mumbled to himself. He was jealous. He immediately stood up and gathered his things. "I have to go." Before anyone could say anything to him, he was out the door.

This wasn't happening. He couldn't even believe it. What was wrong with him? He wasn't supposed to get jealous. Flirting and laughing and having a pint with Charlie was one thing but jealous? Actual jealousy? He did not have time for this.

Instead of going home, Neville decided to cool off and go to another pub. Now his thoughts were even more scattered. What did I do? he thought. He left Sonam alone with Charlie. He was absolutely mental. He ordered Firewhisky and decided to forget his night. This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/812086.html. Thanks for reading

community: neville100, story: una aventura, pairing: neville/charlie, rating: pg

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