[adventdrabbles] Holiday Shopping

Dec 02, 2020 23:43

Title: Holiday Shopping
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: NA. Charlie. Rose. Friends.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Warnings/Content: NA
Challenge/Summary: Charlie and Rose go on another adventure. | PROMPT 3 for
adventdrabbles flickering lights.
A/N: Unbetaed. Part 3 of "Fluff Adorableness" (ao3 link) (DW LINK)

Charlie and Rose said their goodbyes to Harry as he continued to wait in the lobby at the cafe for Draco. The lights flickering by the window were beautiful and Charlie would've stayed longer but Rose wanted another adventure. Evidently Draco had to run out on an "errand," which Charlie thought was rather strange. Why would one leave their boyfriend at a coffeeshop - unless, Charlie thought, Draco was shopping for a surprise present for Harry and he didn't wish for Harry to know.

"So what shall we do next?" Charlie asked.

"I want to go see uncle Neville!" she announced. This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/803348.html. Thanks for reading

character: charlie weasley, pairing: gen, character: draco malfoy, series: fluff adorableness, community: adventdrabbles, rating: pg, character: harry potter, character: rose weasley

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