Holiday / Advent / Festive Challenges?

Nov 24, 2020 23:32

So I am making a list of things I am seeing, thinking about participating, and 100% participating (and a surprise that's going to come soon in a couple of days).

So drarry related: Participating in the slythindor100 (on lj and dw) For DW-> I'll be copying the prompts from LJ for the 'traditional' fest and posting at midnight each night ET. Also prompt list for lj/dw comm:
dracoharry100 (only a participant for this one!)

Then there's the ever so famous ->
adventdrabbles I hope to participate in at least 50% of the prompts they are gonna post also I prompted a few items in there - and I need to think about this more and other stories because this runs for 31 days (unlike
slythindor100 which runs for 25). On LJ my prompt list and cross post community is: newyearcntdown (this is an LJ only comm so far. But you know me, I'm always *thinking*). [Sign ups close: Friday November 30th] This is also a low key challenge fest for the holidays and there's no penalty on missing out.

Finally! My amazing friend and co-mod (sirmioneforever) is going to do a little surprise announcement soon for the holidays -> so watch out the space for
rarepair_shorts + rarepair_shorts | Totally low-key, no pressure, post as you see fit holiday festiveness - maybe? Maybe? Maybe??!!! *STOKED AF* for this.

I think there's something coming (haha) for


In regards to participating… in anon holiday fests, I have a few things in there for hd_owlpost, and I am so happy to have actually remembered to sign up for hoggywartyxmas + participating in the HOLIDAY anon exchange for
rarepair_shorts (I like legit my fic/art in this…) |Posting for this begins on 24th December. So I think that's it for me for December. *falls down w/ exhaustion*

What are folks working on / excited about?

(OH-> I did sign up for winterknights and created a) fic and b) art. Waiting for submission guidelines so very excited for MERLIN OMG… like I don't write anything for that pobresito fandom no more.)

(Oh oh oh -> I am almost positive that I'm forgetting something b/c I almost always, am.)

Have a great long weekend if you celebrate Thanksgiving. Please stay safe and vigilant. There's lots of idiots out there.

Also a bit of self plug.
My new holiday icon is my art from the 2016 mini_fest (view on LJ/DW). I hope you like it. This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

about: holidays, about: dig should be sleeping instead, about: what is this life?, about: things i mod, about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: art, about: writing, about: challenges

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