Looking for Drarry Xmas story idea ~

Oct 11, 2020 22:00

Hi friends, I am looking for some help in coming up w/ some plot ideas, story pointers for an x-mas drarry fic.

What I want is: friends to lovers or enemies to friends to lovers. Something small (idea) that can have some minor character development, angst, and misunderstanding (that is solved through communication).

What I don't want to do is: secret santa or any sort of gift exchange business.

If there's a story you want to read - let me know what it is! The less kink the better! I know, lol, this is like so annoying but I could really use some help (even if it's pretend boyfriend or husband, I'd love it) ♥

All comments are screened! Thanks for reading and even if you can't help, I appreciate you looking! ♥ This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/792662.html. Thanks for reading

about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: dig should be sleeping instead, about: dig needs your help yo, about: writing

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