[ART] Steve/Bucky - Coast To Coast

Aug 16, 2020 23:02

I created art today (because I don't have 20 other fandom things to do) to pimp my STUCKY fic on tumblr. It was originally written for
marvelundercover. Header below. Art below the cut. (Fic is on ao3)

Title: Coast to Coast
Paring/Characters: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Rating: NC-17 / E
Wordcount: ~19,200
Warnings: Action. Angst. Drama. Betrayal. Mention of homophobia. Switching.
Summary: Everyone he ever cared about is dead. Betrayed by someone on his own team and filled with a memory of a song he doesn't know anything about, Bucky lives in a cabin near Mount Chase, Maine. A stranger comes knocking on the door and as much as Bucky doesn't want to trust him, he isn't able to hide his attraction to him, either. Some questions are answered, but some answers don't make any sense. Is it too late to face your past and make amends?

LINK TO FIC This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/784468.html. Thanks for reading

pairing: steve/bucky, fandom: not-harry-potter, community: marvelundercover, about: dig should be writing instead, -art

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