HAPPY MONDAY & May the 4th Be with you! <3

May 04, 2020 13:02

So they do this daily at my job (online) and I find it annoying, lol, but I think it's fun to do a weekly check in with friends and makes for a good habit of keeping in touch with yourself, your feelings, and others. So here goes nothing...

Goal | 🥅:
Celebrate | 🎉:
Thankful: 🙏:
Could be better | 🤷 | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For this week -

Goal | 🥅: Finish my daily deviant fic and write another chapter for my mpreg fic (I didn't sign up for the fest but I came up w/ this idea for a story so I am slowly writing it. 200 words at a time)
Celebrate | 🎉: I have been at my job for over a month and things are going okay. They're not ideal but I am happy to be WFH and relaxing.
Thankful: 🙏: I am not still at my old job - however I am doing consulting work for them for a couple of hours here and there and that's not bad. It's a side cheque.
Could be better | 🤷 | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: I could manage my drinking. I either wake up hung over or don't drink for days and then am in withdrawal. I need to find a work-life-drinking balance b/c of stress and inability to name my emotions.

Share in comments or on your own journal! :D
Goal | 🥅: Celebrate | 🎉: Thankful: 🙏: Could be better | 🤷 | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/768403.html. Thanks for reading

about: dig should be working instead, about: fun things, about: friends, about: what is this life?, about: dig should be writing instead, about: life

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